As a health coach, scientist and mother, my education has equipped me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching and preventive health. Drawing on these skills and knowledge I want to know about your concerns holistically i.e. as a whole person, what underlying triggers are disrupting your wellbeing? i.e. what’s the root cause or creating the dis-ease, disconnect or the discontent? I do this by developing a relationship with you, listening and understanding ALL aspects of your life, especially as mothers. With so many factors impacting our health e.g. our introduction to life as babies, stress levels, sleep deprivation, lifestyle, toxins, microbiome, beliefs, environment, connection, movement, inadequate nutrition, I get a thorough picture of your life before offering guidance or recommendations that will ultimately empower you in the choices you make. I help you bring wellness back into your home and create a place where the foundations for great health are created. Something as women, mothers, nurturers we innately understand but often become disconnected from.